You are officially invited to check out the new K-Town Is OK Podcast!

That’s right. Hop on over to to find out more, or just listen to the introductory episode below, I guess. A big thank you to The Think Farm for our Cover Art design, as well as to Take My Face Off for initially taking the Cover Art’s photo, that is, of my noona and I in our K-Town Is OK tees!



Official notes in soon. For now, enjoy this run-through answering at least 10 questions about the city of Barcelona and yours truly this Spring 2023. Please also stay tuned for a Spanish version of this audio before too long.

Notas oficiales en breve. Por ahora, disfrute de este repaso respondiendo al menos 10 preguntas sobre mí y la ciudad de Barcelona esta primavera de 2023. Estén atentos también para una versión en español de este audio en breve.
